Example: Guided Mode Movement and Commands (Copter)

This example shows how to control Copter movement and send immediate commands in GUIDED mode. It demonstrates three methods for explicitly specifying a target position and two commands for controlling movement by setting the vehicle’s velocity vectors. It also shows how to send commands to control the yaw (direction that the front of the vehicle is pointing), region of interest, speed and home location, along with some useful functions for converting between frames of reference.

The example is documented in the source code. More detailed information about using GUIDED mode can be found in the guide: Guiding and Controlling Copter.

Setting destination using position and changing speed and ROI

Setting destination using position and changing speed and ROI

Setting destination using velocity and changing yaw and home location

Setting destination using velocity and changing yaw and home location

Running the example

The example can be run as described in Running the Examples (which in turn assumes that the vehicle and DroneKit have been set up as described in Installing DroneKit).

In summary, after cloning the repository:

  1. Navigate to the example folder as shown:

    cd dronekit-python/examples/guided_set_speed_yaw/
  2. You can run the example against a simulator (DroneKit-SITL) by specifying the Python script without any arguments. The example will download SITL binaries if needed, start the simulator, and then connect to it:

    python guided_set_speed_yaw.py

    On the command prompt you should see (something like):

    Starting copter simulator (SITL)
    SITL already Downloaded.
    Connecting to vehicle on: tcp:
    >>> APM:Copter V3.3 (d6053245)
    >>> Frame: QUAD
    >>> Calibrating barometer
    >>> Initialising APM...
    >>> barometer calibration complete
    Basic pre-arm checks
     Waiting for vehicle to initialise...
     Waiting for vehicle to initialise...
    Arming motors
     Waiting for arming...
     Waiting for arming...
     Waiting for arming...
    >>> Link timeout, no heartbeat in last 5 seconds
    >>> ...link restored.
    >>> Initialising APM...
    Taking off!
     Altitude:  0.0
     Altitude:  0.28
     Altitude:  4.76
    Reached target altitude
    TRIANGLE path using standard Vehicle.simple_goto()
    Set groundspeed to 5m/s.
    Position North 80 West 50
    Distance to target:  100.792763565
    Distance to target:  99.912599325
    Distance to target:  1.21731863826
    Distance to target:  0.846001925791
    Reached target
    Position North 0 East 100
    Distance to target:  122.623210813
    Distance to target:  4.75876224557
    Distance to target:  0.244650555031
    Reached target
    Position North -80 West 50
    Distance to target:  100.792430814
    Distance to target:  100.592652053
    Distance to target:  2.48849019535
    Distance to target:  0.73822537077
    Reached target
    TRIANGLE path using standard SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT message and with varying speed.
    Position South 100 West 130
    Set groundspeed to 5m/s.
    Distance to target:  188.180927131
    Distance to target:  186.578341133
    Distance to target:  9.87090024758
    Distance to target:  1.4668164732
    Reached target
    Set groundspeed to 15m/s (max).
    Position South 0 East 200
    Distance to target:  318.826732298
    Distance to target:  320.787965033
    Distance to target:  11.5626483964
    Distance to target:  0.335164775811
    Reached target
    Set airspeed to 10m/s (max).
    Position North 100 West 130
    Distance to target:  188.182420209
    Distance to target:  189.860730713
    Distance to target:  10.4263414971
    Distance to target:  1.29857175712
    Reached target
    SQUARE path using SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED and position parameters
    North 50m, East 0m, 10m altitude for 20 seconds
    Point ROI at current location (home position)
    North 50m, East 50m, 10m altitude
    Point ROI at current location
    North 0m, East 50m, 10m altitude
    North 0m, East 0m, 10m altitude
    SQUARE path using SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED and velocity parameters
    Yaw 180 absolute (South)
    Velocity South & up
    Yaw 270 absolute (West)
    Velocity West & down
    Yaw 0 absolute (North)
    Velocity North
    Yaw 90 absolute (East)
    Velocity East
    DIAMOND path using SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT and velocity parameters
    Yaw 225 absolute
    Velocity South, West and Up
    Yaw 90 relative (to previous yaw heading)
    Velocity North, West and Down
    Set new home location to current location
    Get new home location
     Home Location: LocationGlobal:lat=-35.363243103,lon=149.164337158,alt=593.890014648
    Yaw 90 relative (to previous yaw heading)
    Velocity North and East
    Yaw 90 relative (to previous yaw heading)
    Velocity South and East
    Setting LAND mode...
    Close vehicle object


    It is more interesting to watch the example run on a map than the console. The topic Connecting an additional Ground Station explains how to set up Mission Planner to view a vehicle running on the simulator (SITL).

  3. You can run the example against a specific connection (simulated or otherwise) by passing the connection string for your vehicle in the --connect parameter.

    For example, to connect to SITL running on UDP port 14550 on your local computer:

    python guided_set_speed_yaw.py --connect

How does it work?

The example is documented in source code. Additional information on the methods is provided either below or in the guide.

The functions for controlling vehicle movement are:

The functions sending immediate commands are:

The example uses a number functions to convert global locations co-ordinates (decimal degrees) into local coordinates relative to the vehicle (in metres). These are described in the guide.

goto() - convenience function

This is a convenience function for setting position targets in metres North and East of the current location. It reports the distance to the target every two seconds and completes when the target is reached.

This takes a function argument of either Vehicle.simple_goto() or goto_position_target_global_int()

def goto(dNorth, dEast, gotoFunction=vehicle.simple_goto):
    targetLocation=get_location_metres(currentLocation, dNorth, dEast)
    targetDistance=get_distance_metres(currentLocation, targetLocation)

    while vehicle.mode.name=="GUIDED": #Stop action if we are no longer in guided mode.
        remainingDistance=get_distance_metres(vehicle.location.global_frame, targetLocation)
        print "Distance to target: ", remainingDistance
        if remainingDistance<=targetDistance*0.01: #Just below target, in case of undershoot.
            print "Reached target"


The function send_ned_velocity() generates a SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED MAVLink message which is used to directly specify the speed components of the vehicle.

The message is resent at 1Hz for a set duration.

This is documented in the guide here.


The function send_global_velocity() generates a SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT MAVLink message which is used to directly specify the speed components of the vehicle in the NED frame.

The function behaviour is otherwise exactly the same as when using SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED.

def send_global_velocity(velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z, duration):
    Move vehicle in direction based on specified velocity vectors.
    msg = vehicle.message_factory.set_position_target_global_int_encode(
        0,       # time_boot_ms (not used)
        0, 0,    # target system, target component
        mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT, # frame
        0b0000111111000111, # type_mask (only speeds enabled)
        0, # lat_int - X Position in WGS84 frame in 1e7 * meters
        0, # lon_int - Y Position in WGS84 frame in 1e7 * meters
        0, # alt - Altitude in meters in AMSL altitude(not WGS84 if absolute or relative)
        # altitude above terrain if GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT_INT
        velocity_x, # X velocity in NED frame in m/s
        velocity_y, # Y velocity in NED frame in m/s
        velocity_z, # Z velocity in NED frame in m/s
        0, 0, 0, # afx, afy, afz acceleration (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink)
        0, 0)    # yaw, yaw_rate (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink)

    # send command to vehicle on 1 Hz cycle
    for x in range(0,duration):


The message is re-sent every second for the specified duration. From Copter 3.3 the vehicle will stop moving if a new message is not received in approximately 3 seconds. Prior to Copter 3.3 the message only needs to be sent once, and the velocity remains active until the next movement message is received. The above code works for both cases!


The function goto_position_target_global_int() generates a SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT MAVLink message which is used to directly specify the target location of the vehicle. When used with MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT as shown below, this method is effectively the same as Vehicle.simple_goto.

def goto_position_target_global_int(aLocation):
    Send SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT command to request the vehicle fly to a specified location.
    msg = vehicle.message_factory.set_position_target_global_int_encode(
        0,       # time_boot_ms (not used)
        0, 0,    # target system, target component
        mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT, # frame
        0b0000111111111000, # type_mask (only speeds enabled)
        aLocation.lat*1e7, # lat_int - X Position in WGS84 frame in 1e7 * meters
        aLocation.lon*1e7, # lon_int - Y Position in WGS84 frame in 1e7 * meters
        aLocation.alt, # alt - Altitude in meters in AMSL altitude, not WGS84 if absolute or relative, above terrain if GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT_INT
        0, # X velocity in NED frame in m/s
        0, # Y velocity in NED frame in m/s
        0, # Z velocity in NED frame in m/s
        0, 0, 0, # afx, afy, afz acceleration (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink)
        0, 0)    # yaw, yaw_rate (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink)

    # send command to vehicle

In the example code this function is called from the goto() convenience function.


The function goto_position_target_local_ned() generates a SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED MAVLink message which is used to directly specify the target location in the North, East, Down frame. The type_mask enables the position parameters (the last three bits of of the mask are zero).


In the NED frame positive altitudes are entered as negative “Down” values. So if down is “10”, this will be 10 metres below the home altitude.


The MAVLink protocol documentation lists a number of possible frames of reference. Up until Copter 3.2.1 the actual frame used is always relative to the home location (as indicated by MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED). Starting from Copter 3.3 you can specify other frames, for example to move the vehicle relative to its current position.

def goto_position_target_local_ned(north, east, down):
    Send SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED command to request the vehicle fly to a specified
    location in the North, East, Down frame.
    msg = vehicle.message_factory.set_position_target_local_ned_encode(
        0,       # time_boot_ms (not used)
        0, 0,    # target system, target component
        mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED, # frame
        0b0000111111111000, # type_mask (only positions enabled)
        north, east, down,
        0, 0, 0, # x, y, z velocity in m/s  (not used)
        0, 0, 0, # x, y, z acceleration (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink)
        0, 0)    # yaw, yaw_rate (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink)
    # send command to vehicle

At time of writing, acceleration and yaw bits are ignored.

Testbed settings

This example has been tested on Windows against SITL running both natively and in a virtual machine (as described in Installing DroneKit).

  • DroneKit version: 2.0.2
  • ArduPilot version: 3.3

Source code

The full source code at documentation build-time is listed below (current version on Github):

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

© Copyright 2015-2016, 3D Robotics.
guided_set_speed_yaw.py: (Copter Only)

This example shows how to move/direct Copter and send commands in GUIDED mode using DroneKit Python.

Example documentation: http://python.dronekit.io/examples/guided-set-speed-yaw-demo.html
from __future__ import print_function

from dronekit import connect, VehicleMode, LocationGlobal, LocationGlobalRelative
from pymavlink import mavutil # Needed for command message definitions
import time
import math

#Set up option parsing to get connection string
import argparse  
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Control Copter and send commands in GUIDED mode ')
                   help="Vehicle connection target string. If not specified, SITL automatically started and used.")
args = parser.parse_args()

connection_string = args.connect
sitl = None

#Start SITL if no connection string specified
if not connection_string:
    import dronekit_sitl
    sitl = dronekit_sitl.start_default()
    connection_string = sitl.connection_string()

# Connect to the Vehicle
print('Connecting to vehicle on: %s' % connection_string)
vehicle = connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True)

def arm_and_takeoff(aTargetAltitude):
    Arms vehicle and fly to aTargetAltitude.

    print("Basic pre-arm checks")
    # Don't let the user try to arm until autopilot is ready
    while not vehicle.is_armable:
        print(" Waiting for vehicle to initialise...")

    print("Arming motors")
    # Copter should arm in GUIDED mode
    vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("GUIDED")
    vehicle.armed = True

    while not vehicle.armed:      
        print(" Waiting for arming...")

    print("Taking off!")
    vehicle.simple_takeoff(aTargetAltitude) # Take off to target altitude

    # Wait until the vehicle reaches a safe height before processing the goto (otherwise the command 
    #  after Vehicle.simple_takeoff will execute immediately).
    while True:
        print(" Altitude: ", vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt)      
        if vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt>=aTargetAltitude*0.95: #Trigger just below target alt.
            print("Reached target altitude")

#Arm and take of to altitude of 5 meters

Convenience functions for sending immediate/guided mode commands to control the Copter.

The set of commands demonstrated here include:
* MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW - set direction of the front of the Copter (latitude, longitude)
* MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI - set direction where the camera gimbal is aimed (latitude, longitude, altitude)
* MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED - set target speed in metres/second.

The full set of available commands are listed here:

def condition_yaw(heading, relative=False):
    Send MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW message to point vehicle at a specified heading (in degrees).

    This method sets an absolute heading by default, but you can set the `relative` parameter
    to `True` to set yaw relative to the current yaw heading.

    By default the yaw of the vehicle will follow the direction of travel. After setting 
    the yaw using this function there is no way to return to the default yaw "follow direction 
    of travel" behaviour (https://github.com/diydrones/ardupilot/issues/2427)

    For more information see: 
    if relative:
        is_relative = 1 #yaw relative to direction of travel
        is_relative = 0 #yaw is an absolute angle
    # create the CONDITION_YAW command using command_long_encode()
    msg = vehicle.message_factory.command_long_encode(
        0, 0,    # target system, target component
        mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW, #command
        0, #confirmation
        heading,    # param 1, yaw in degrees
        0,          # param 2, yaw speed deg/s
        1,          # param 3, direction -1 ccw, 1 cw
        is_relative, # param 4, relative offset 1, absolute angle 0
        0, 0, 0)    # param 5 ~ 7 not used
    # send command to vehicle

def set_roi(location):
    Send MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI message to point camera gimbal at a 
    specified region of interest (LocationGlobal).
    The vehicle may also turn to face the ROI.

    For more information see: 
    # create the MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI command
    msg = vehicle.message_factory.command_long_encode(
        0, 0,    # target system, target component
        mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI, #command
        0, #confirmation
        0, 0, 0, 0, #params 1-4
    # send command to vehicle

Functions to make it easy to convert between the different frames-of-reference. In particular these
make it easy to navigate in terms of "metres from the current position" when using commands that take 
absolute positions in decimal degrees.

The methods are approximations only, and may be less accurate over longer distances, and when close 
to the Earth's poles.

Specifically, it provides:
* get_location_metres - Get LocationGlobal (decimal degrees) at distance (m) North & East of a given LocationGlobal.
* get_distance_metres - Get the distance between two LocationGlobal objects in metres
* get_bearing - Get the bearing in degrees to a LocationGlobal

def get_location_metres(original_location, dNorth, dEast):
    Returns a LocationGlobal object containing the latitude/longitude `dNorth` and `dEast` metres from the 
    specified `original_location`. The returned LocationGlobal has the same `alt` value
    as `original_location`.

    The function is useful when you want to move the vehicle around specifying locations relative to 
    the current vehicle position.

    The algorithm is relatively accurate over small distances (10m within 1km) except close to the poles.

    For more information see:
    earth_radius = 6378137.0 #Radius of "spherical" earth
    #Coordinate offsets in radians
    dLat = dNorth/earth_radius
    dLon = dEast/(earth_radius*math.cos(math.pi*original_location.lat/180))

    #New position in decimal degrees
    newlat = original_location.lat + (dLat * 180/math.pi)
    newlon = original_location.lon + (dLon * 180/math.pi)
    if type(original_location) is LocationGlobal:
        targetlocation=LocationGlobal(newlat, newlon,original_location.alt)
    elif type(original_location) is LocationGlobalRelative:
        targetlocation=LocationGlobalRelative(newlat, newlon,original_location.alt)
        raise Exception("Invalid Location object passed")
    return targetlocation;

def get_distance_metres(aLocation1, aLocation2):
    Returns the ground distance in metres between two LocationGlobal objects.

    This method is an approximation, and will not be accurate over large distances and close to the 
    earth's poles. It comes from the ArduPilot test code: 
    dlat = aLocation2.lat - aLocation1.lat
    dlong = aLocation2.lon - aLocation1.lon
    return math.sqrt((dlat*dlat) + (dlong*dlong)) * 1.113195e5

def get_bearing(aLocation1, aLocation2):
    Returns the bearing between the two LocationGlobal objects passed as parameters.

    This method is an approximation, and may not be accurate over large distances and close to the 
    earth's poles. It comes from the ArduPilot test code: 
    off_x = aLocation2.lon - aLocation1.lon
    off_y = aLocation2.lat - aLocation1.lat
    bearing = 90.00 + math.atan2(-off_y, off_x) * 57.2957795
    if bearing < 0:
        bearing += 360.00
    return bearing;

Functions to move the vehicle to a specified position (as opposed to controlling movement by setting velocity components).

The methods include:
* goto_position_target_global_int - Sets position using SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT command in 
* goto_position_target_local_ned - Sets position using SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED command in 
* goto - A convenience function that can use Vehicle.simple_goto (default) or 
    goto_position_target_global_int to travel to a specific position in metres 
    North and East from the current location. 
    This method reports distance to the destination.

def goto_position_target_global_int(aLocation):
    Send SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT command to request the vehicle fly to a specified LocationGlobal.

    For more information see: https://pixhawk.ethz.ch/mavlink/#SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT

    See the above link for information on the type_mask (0=enable, 1=ignore). 
    At time of writing, acceleration and yaw bits are ignored.
    msg = vehicle.message_factory.set_position_target_global_int_encode(
        0,       # time_boot_ms (not used)
        0, 0,    # target system, target component
        mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT, # frame
        0b0000111111111000, # type_mask (only speeds enabled)
        aLocation.lat*1e7, # lat_int - X Position in WGS84 frame in 1e7 * meters
        aLocation.lon*1e7, # lon_int - Y Position in WGS84 frame in 1e7 * meters
        aLocation.alt, # alt - Altitude in meters in AMSL altitude, not WGS84 if absolute or relative, above terrain if GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT_INT
        0, # X velocity in NED frame in m/s
        0, # Y velocity in NED frame in m/s
        0, # Z velocity in NED frame in m/s
        0, 0, 0, # afx, afy, afz acceleration (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink)
        0, 0)    # yaw, yaw_rate (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink) 
    # send command to vehicle

def goto_position_target_local_ned(north, east, down):
    Send SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED command to request the vehicle fly to a specified 
    location in the North, East, Down frame.

    It is important to remember that in this frame, positive altitudes are entered as negative 
    "Down" values. So if down is "10", this will be 10 metres below the home altitude.

    Starting from AC3.3 the method respects the frame setting. Prior to that the frame was
    ignored. For more information see: 

    See the above link for information on the type_mask (0=enable, 1=ignore). 
    At time of writing, acceleration and yaw bits are ignored.

    msg = vehicle.message_factory.set_position_target_local_ned_encode(
        0,       # time_boot_ms (not used)
        0, 0,    # target system, target component
        mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED, # frame
        0b0000111111111000, # type_mask (only positions enabled)
        north, east, down, # x, y, z positions (or North, East, Down in the MAV_FRAME_BODY_NED frame
        0, 0, 0, # x, y, z velocity in m/s  (not used)
        0, 0, 0, # x, y, z acceleration (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink)
        0, 0)    # yaw, yaw_rate (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink) 
    # send command to vehicle

def goto(dNorth, dEast, gotoFunction=vehicle.simple_goto):
    Moves the vehicle to a position dNorth metres North and dEast metres East of the current position.

    The method takes a function pointer argument with a single `dronekit.lib.LocationGlobal` parameter for 
    the target position. This allows it to be called with different position-setting commands. 
    By default it uses the standard method: dronekit.lib.Vehicle.simple_goto().

    The method reports the distance to target every two seconds.
    currentLocation = vehicle.location.global_relative_frame
    targetLocation = get_location_metres(currentLocation, dNorth, dEast)
    targetDistance = get_distance_metres(currentLocation, targetLocation)
    #print "DEBUG: targetLocation: %s" % targetLocation
    #print "DEBUG: targetLocation: %s" % targetDistance

    while vehicle.mode.name=="GUIDED": #Stop action if we are no longer in guided mode.
        #print "DEBUG: mode: %s" % vehicle.mode.name
        remainingDistance=get_distance_metres(vehicle.location.global_relative_frame, targetLocation)
        print("Distance to target: ", remainingDistance)
        if remainingDistance<=targetDistance*0.01: #Just below target, in case of undershoot.
            print("Reached target")

Functions that move the vehicle by specifying the velocity components in each direction.
The two functions use different MAVLink commands. The main difference is
that depending on the frame used, the NED velocity can be relative to the vehicle

The methods include:
* send_ned_velocity - Sets velocity components using SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED command
* send_global_velocity - Sets velocity components using SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT command

def send_ned_velocity(velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z, duration):
    Move vehicle in direction based on specified velocity vectors and
    for the specified duration.

    This uses the SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED command with a type mask enabling only 
    velocity components 
    Note that from AC3.3 the message should be re-sent every second (after about 3 seconds
    with no message the velocity will drop back to zero). In AC3.2.1 and earlier the specified
    velocity persists until it is canceled. The code below should work on either version 
    (sending the message multiple times does not cause problems).
    See the above link for information on the type_mask (0=enable, 1=ignore). 
    At time of writing, acceleration and yaw bits are ignored.
    msg = vehicle.message_factory.set_position_target_local_ned_encode(
        0,       # time_boot_ms (not used)
        0, 0,    # target system, target component
        mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED, # frame
        0b0000111111000111, # type_mask (only speeds enabled)
        0, 0, 0, # x, y, z positions (not used)
        velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z, # x, y, z velocity in m/s
        0, 0, 0, # x, y, z acceleration (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink)
        0, 0)    # yaw, yaw_rate (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink) 

    # send command to vehicle on 1 Hz cycle
    for x in range(0,duration):

def send_global_velocity(velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z, duration):
    Move vehicle in direction based on specified velocity vectors.

    This uses the SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT command with type mask enabling only 
    velocity components 
    Note that from AC3.3 the message should be re-sent every second (after about 3 seconds
    with no message the velocity will drop back to zero). In AC3.2.1 and earlier the specified
    velocity persists until it is canceled. The code below should work on either version 
    (sending the message multiple times does not cause problems).
    See the above link for information on the type_mask (0=enable, 1=ignore). 
    At time of writing, acceleration and yaw bits are ignored.
    msg = vehicle.message_factory.set_position_target_global_int_encode(
        0,       # time_boot_ms (not used)
        0, 0,    # target system, target component
        mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT, # frame
        0b0000111111000111, # type_mask (only speeds enabled)
        0, # lat_int - X Position in WGS84 frame in 1e7 * meters
        0, # lon_int - Y Position in WGS84 frame in 1e7 * meters
        0, # alt - Altitude in meters in AMSL altitude(not WGS84 if absolute or relative)
        # altitude above terrain if GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT_INT
        velocity_x, # X velocity in NED frame in m/s
        velocity_y, # Y velocity in NED frame in m/s
        velocity_z, # Z velocity in NED frame in m/s
        0, 0, 0, # afx, afy, afz acceleration (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink)
        0, 0)    # yaw, yaw_rate (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink) 

    # send command to vehicle on 1 Hz cycle
    for x in range(0,duration):

Fly a triangular path using the standard Vehicle.simple_goto() method.

The method is called indirectly via a custom "goto" that allows the target position to be
specified as a distance in metres (North/East) from the current position, and which reports
the distance-to-target.
print("TRIANGLE path using standard Vehicle.simple_goto()")

print("Set groundspeed to 5m/s.")

print("Position North 80 West 50")
goto(80, -50)

print("Position North 0 East 100")
goto(0, 100)

print("Position North -80 West 50")
goto(-80, -50)

Fly a triangular path using the SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT command and specifying
a target position (rather than controlling movement using velocity vectors). The command is
called from goto_position_target_global_int() (via `goto`).

The goto_position_target_global_int method is called indirectly from a custom "goto" that allows 
the target position to be specified as a distance in metres (North/East) from the current position, 
and which reports the distance-to-target.

The code also sets the speed (MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED). In AC3.2.1 Copter will accelerate to this speed 
near the centre of its journey and then decelerate as it reaches the target. 
In AC3.3 the speed changes immediately.
print("TRIANGLE path using standard SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT message and with varying speed.")
print("Position South 100 West 130")

print("Set groundspeed to 5m/s.")
vehicle.groundspeed = 5
goto(-100, -130, goto_position_target_global_int)

print("Set groundspeed to 15m/s (max).")
vehicle.groundspeed = 15
print("Position South 0 East 200")
goto(0, 260, goto_position_target_global_int)

print("Set airspeed to 10m/s (max).")
vehicle.airspeed = 10

print("Position North 100 West 130")
goto(100, -130, goto_position_target_global_int)

Fly the vehicle in a 50m square path, using the SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED command 
and specifying a target position (rather than controlling movement using velocity vectors). 
The command is called from goto_position_target_local_ned() (via `goto`).

The position is specified in terms of the NED (North East Down) relative to the Home location.

WARNING: The "D" in NED means "Down". Using a positive D value will drive the vehicle into the ground!

The code sleeps for a time (DURATION) to give the vehicle time to reach each position (rather than 
sending commands based on proximity).

The code also sets the region of interest (MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI) via the `set_roi()` method. This points the 
camera gimbal at the the selected location (in this case it aligns the whole vehicle to point at the ROI).

print("SQUARE path using SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED and position parameters")
DURATION = 20 #Set duration for each segment.

print("North 50m, East 0m, 10m altitude for %s seconds" % DURATION)
print("Point ROI at current location (home position)") 
# NOTE that this has to be called after the goto command as first "move" command of a particular type
# "resets" ROI/YAW commands

print("North 50m, East 50m, 10m altitude")

print("Point ROI at current location")

print("North 0m, East 50m, 10m altitude")

print("North 0m, East 0m, 10m altitude")

Fly the vehicle in a SQUARE path using velocity vectors (the underlying code calls the 
SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED command with the velocity parameters enabled).

The thread sleeps for a time (DURATION) which defines the distance that will be travelled.

The code also sets the yaw (MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW) using the `set_yaw()` method in each segment
so that the front of the vehicle points in the direction of travel

#Set up velocity vector to map to each direction.
# vx > 0 => fly North
# vx < 0 => fly South
SOUTH = -2

# Note for vy:
# vy > 0 => fly East
# vy < 0 => fly West
EAST = 2
WEST = -2

# Note for vz: 
# vz < 0 => ascend
# vz > 0 => descend
UP = -0.5
DOWN = 0.5

# Square path using velocity
print("SQUARE path using SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED and velocity parameters")

print("Yaw 180 absolute (South)")

print("Velocity South & up")

print("Yaw 270 absolute (West)")

print("Velocity West & down")

print("Yaw 0 absolute (North)")

print("Velocity North")

print("Yaw 90 absolute (East)")

print("Velocity East")

Fly the vehicle in a DIAMOND path using velocity vectors (the underlying code calls the 
SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT command with the velocity parameters enabled).

The thread sleeps for a time (DURATION) which defines the distance that will be travelled.

The code sets the yaw (MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW) using the `set_yaw()` method using relative headings
so that the front of the vehicle points in the direction of travel.

At the end of the second segment the code sets a new home location to the current point.

print("DIAMOND path using SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT and velocity parameters")
# vx, vy are parallel to North and East (independent of the vehicle orientation)

print("Yaw 225 absolute")

print("Velocity South, West and Up")

print("Yaw 90 relative (to previous yaw heading)")

print("Velocity North, West and Down")

print("Set new home location to current location")
print("Get new home location")
#This reloads the home location in DroneKit and GCSs
cmds = vehicle.commands
print(" Home Location: %s" % vehicle.home_location)

print("Yaw 90 relative (to previous yaw heading)")

print("Velocity North and East")

print("Yaw 90 relative (to previous yaw heading)")

print("Velocity South and East")

The example is completing. LAND at current location.

print("Setting LAND mode...")
vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("LAND")

#Close vehicle object before exiting script
print("Close vehicle object")

# Shut down simulator if it was started.
if sitl is not None:
